Showing products : 1 - 28 / 56
Mantinga recycled 280 tons of crumbs last year
How Does a Modern Doughnut Production Line Work?
Official launch of Mantinga Production
Changes in "Mantinga Logistics"
An important award for the “Mantinga Charity and Support Fund”
More meaning in Mantinga‘s business approach
"Mantinga" became the MOST WANTED
The initiative SAVED FLAVORS started
We joined the KTU #HandsON project
Career of food technologists in Mantinga
The second sustainability report is already here
Mantinga Group’s income grew by 26% last year, and EBITDA – by 104%
Mantinga – responsible business 2023
Mantinga will invest over EUR 34 million in production and process efficiency
In Marijampolė, we are creating a forge of future entrepreneurs
The export prize again went to Mantinga
Mantinga completed the reorganization
Trends in responsible food consumption in Lithuania
Mantinga – a sustainable business in 2023
Creation of a map of food consumption habits
“Mantinga” also welcomes employees from abroad
Charging stations for electric cars are already in the parking lot of Mantinga
Mantinga Group revenue grew last year, although profits were adjusted by investments and inflation
Sustainability strategy of Mantinga is already here
We are growing: we could hire 150 production employees
Employees describe the pleasure of working at Mantinga: “We strive for the best result here”
Registration of the trademark “We think up to the sky”
A new line of layered products has been launched