April 22, 2024

Mantinga – responsible business 2023


The association Investors’ Forum, which unites the largest and most active investors in the Lithuanian economy, announced the companies, people and organizations that most helped to improve the country’s business environment and investment climate during the past year. During the event, Mantinga Group was presented with the responsible business award.

Mantinga Group was recognized as the most responsible company of 2023 for sustainable development, which included not only green initiatives, but also employee well-being and company governance. The board of the Investors’ Forum association, which granted the award, evaluated the application of the highest ethical standards inside and outside the company, transparency and openness, education of society, business and employees, integration of employees from foreign countries. Currently, the company employs specialists from 8 countries. Mantinga Group donated more than 500,000 euros to various charity projects last year.  

“Responsibility permeates our every step – starting with the simplest production processes, ending with the initiatives of the Mantinga Charity and Support Fund, fostering business ethics. Responsibility is one of our values, we do it not for awards, but because we really care. At the same time, this award is a recognition that only encourages us not to stop and to achieve even more,” says Mantas Agentas, General Director of Mantinga Group, who received the award.
